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Pool Cover Benefits

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A pool cover that holds


Keeping your pool clean

Keeping your pool clean can be a time-consuming and costly task. However, using a pool cover can greatly simplify maintenance and enhance the overall swimming experience. Here are some key benefits of using a pool cover to keep your pool clean:

  • Reduces Debris and Contaminants: Keeps leaves, dirt, and other debris out of your pool, reducing the need for frequent cleaning, while minimizing contaminants like insects and animal waste for a more hygienic environment.
  • Prevents Algae Growth: Blocks sunlight to inhibit algae growth and reduce the need for chemical treatments, helping maintain clear, clean water for enhanced pool aesthetics and safety.
  • Decreases Maintenance Effort:Less debris means less strain on your pool’s filtration system, extending its lifespan and efficiency, while saving you time and effort on manual cleaning, allowing you to enjoy your pool more.
  • Protects Water Quality: Helps maintain balanced water chemistry by preventing the accumulation of organic material, reducing the need for frequent chemical adjustments and saving money and effort on pool care products.

Save energy, save money

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How much energy does an automatic pool cover save?


Up to 90% reduction in evaporation


Up to 70% reduction in pool heating costs


Up to 50% reduction in electricity costs


Up to 70% reduction in chemical use


How much heat does a pool lose overnight?

When left uncovered, the water temperature of your swimming pool drops an average of five degrees (F). Keeping your pool covered can help you reduce this heat loss by almost 50%.

How much does pool cover increase temperature?

A Coverstar automatic pool cover acts as a passive solar heater and can help to increase pool water temperature by eight to 10 degrees.

Will a pool heat up faster with the cover on or off?

Have you ever accidentally left your windows open while running your air conditioner? Because the cool air can escape through the windows, it takes more time to cool down the house. The same concept applies to a pool cover. When you seal your pool, it keeps the warm air inside and can help to make your pool heater more efficient.

Water evaporation is the leading cause of energy loss. According to the Department of Energy, it only takes one Btu (British thermal unit) to raise one pound of water one degree, but each pound of 80-degree water that evaporates takes 1,048 Btu of heat out of the pool.